Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I am blessed...

The book of Titus Chapter 2 in the Bible talks about the role of older women.  It talks about how they are to not only instruct younger women but also be an example to them.  Well, I am blessed to say that I have many women like this in my life.  Particularly two that I am very close to...my older sisters!  From birth I have had two older sisters to look up to and learn from (sometimes good and sometimes bad).  When I got to the age where I wanted to know more about my personal Savior it was my sisters who sat me down and explained the details to me.  Many nights we have stayed up talking about who knows what...but I was always listening and always learning.  Early on in my life God began giving me a burden for overseas missions.  Little did I know that God gave me that passion early on...so that when the day came to board the plane to fly so far overseas I would be 100% confident that this was God's will. 
Our last few hours in the US were spent in LA with my sisters.  It was amazing to have 23 hours with them right before we left which I never expected.  It was God's special blessing to me.  If you know my sisters than you know exactly what I am talking about.  I know that I am definitely not the only person that they have mentored, loved, and taught. If you don't know my sisters well then...you should! ;)  They are amazing Godly women.  They desire to love and respect their husbands through the ups and downs.  They love their 4 children, yes they both have 4 (can't say I've wanted to be like them in that way).  They love the Lord and desire to live to glorify Him daily.  They are sound advice givers.  They are honest. They are forgiving.  They are amazing women. Sometimes they mess up but they learn and grow from it.  They are real women.  Part of me wants to write this about them separately but the truth is that I feel the same way about them both...and I'm not just saying that. 
When the day came...about 5 years ago that I was challenged with the question..."are you willing to do the hard thing for God?  are you willing to give up _________?" And we were to fill in the blank...I immediately knew my blank was FAMILY.  Five years ago God began preparing my heart to say good bye to my family that I am so close to and love dearly...he was preparing me to say good bye to my sisters.  Yes, we have computers, instagram, facebook, email, and even facetime...and I am SOOO thankful for that.  But there are days that I just wish they were awake when I am.  Or days that they could just experience where I am and what I am doing.  There are days I wish we could sit down and talk about homeschool curriculum and ideas.  Or days I wish I could hold the new born baby just for a few hours to give her a break....
I don't say this as a sob story or...look at me and the sacrifice I have made.  But rather to say....I AM BLESSED!  I am so blessed to have sisters that I look up to so much and love so dearly that I miss them this much! I love you my sisters and I am so thankful for you both!!  Happy Birthday and I wish so much that I could be there to celebrate with you!  Continue to seek the Lord and live for Him because your little sister is watching and learning...and if you don't let me play with you then I am going to tell Mom ;)

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